About Us

Garth Mark Chen is a 24-year-old sous chef with an unfortunate habit of bumping off the people around him. He is loveable and creative, but can also be very selfish and a bit unstable.

His first victim was his friend, Jenny Michelle Harris, who he killed because she looked at him funny. In 2017, he killed he friend, Rupert.

He is a Dutch Muslim. He finished school and then left academia. He has a severe phobia of water

Physically, Garth is in good shape. He is short with cocao skin, black hair and brown eyes. He has Scratch on the cheek from tustle with Jenny Michelle Harris just before killing her..

He grew up in an upper class neighbourhood. His mother left when he was young, leaving him with his father, who was a drunk.

He is currently single. His most recent romance was with an artist called Maria Lauren Alexander, who was the same age as him. They broke up because Maria wanted somebody more decisive.

Garth’s best friend is a sous chef called Isa Walsh. They are inseparable. They enjoy murder together.

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